Wendy Gibson-Viviani – CBD and THC: The Power Couple

Wendy Gibson-Viviani PTA/RN/BSN Feb 2 – Room 2: 4 PM – CBD and THC: The Power Couple Feb 3 – Room 1: 10 AM – Endocannabinoid System Health Feb 4 – Room 1: 10 AM – CBD and THC; The Power Couple Wendy Gibson-Viviani is an RN/BSN with over 40 years of experience working in healthcare. She is well versed in both the medical and legal aspects of cannabis. For 7 years, she served as the Field Organizer for the Drug Policy Forum and Medical Cannabis Coalition of Hawaii– helping reshape drug laws and educate healthcare professionals. Wendy is an active member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association, the Cannabis Nurses Network and Society of Cannabis Clinicians. She stands as a conscientious objector of the failed, vicious, racist Drug War—a war that has targeted people who use cannabis, and disproportionately targeted people of color. She understands that many cannabis laws have been causing more damage to health than actual cannabis use — for generations — and that Hawaii’s laws need to change.


good morning everybody thank you so much for coming welcome to my cannabis classroom I’m cannabis nurse Wendy I’m amedical cannabis Patient Advocate and I’ve been cannabis activist and acannabis nurse educator for the last 9 years I don’t practice medicine so Idon’t give medical legal or dietary advice but for the past nine years Ihave been studying Canabis law and cannabis medicines but like I said I don’tpractice medicine and what I’ve done today is Ihad a book seller send me all of my favorite books and I’m hoping that people will buy them to continuelearning after this class so I was a member of a task forceback in 2022 it was called the Dual use of cannabis task force and what we weretasked with doing was evaluating what effect adult use legalization might have on our medicalcannabis program and also just Public Health in general andsearching I don’t think my remote didsomething but anyway we have a problem is is it so okay so anyway Houston we have aproblem there’s a huge knowledge Gap we did a survey um this Tas Force did asurvey I helped spearheaded worked with the Department of Health we did a survey on um our medical can patients and alsoproviders and we found out that 57% of the patients rely on dispensary workersto get the medical information so I’ve managed to educate about 400 HealthcareProfessionals in so far and I’m hoping to do more but um you can help me so bythe end of this hour you’re going to know more than most doctors nurses pharmacists any Health CareProfessionals not just in Hawaii but on the planet so that’s why my banner at mybooth says ask your health care professional medical cannabist educationis right for them and I’m hoping this will be kind of a Each one teach one maybe you’ll takewhat you learned today and teach somebody else just help me reach out and I’m hoping that you take information toyour Healthcare Providers on how they can get educated as well I’ve got plenty of resources at the booth so I’d like tosay this classroom is in session um please do silence your phonesif you haven’t already there will be some time for Q&A and if there’s not you can come to the booth and um please holdyour questions until the end so what I’m going to cover today is how your bodyworks going to look at some of the chemicals that are in the plant and howthey might be useful as medicine and then we’re going to also look at bothCBD and THC and why they’re called the power coupl so there many many medical usesfor cannabis we have 32,000 patients in the medical cannabis program in Hawaii and there are tens ofthousand hundreds of thousands of patients across the United States and across the world so but their estimatesare that about 50 million people use canvis not just not just as a medicinebut for many different purposes so we do have some validated um with science medical usesthe first one is pain and that’s what most patients use it for 85% of our32,000 patient s use it for managing pain of some sort and it it seems to beespecially useful in treating neuropathic pain it’s also been used totreat multiple sclerosis and there’s a prescription drug in a in othercountries not the United States and it’s a one toone THC CBD mouth spray and itseems to have pretty good results it’s also used to help enhance can cancer andHIV therapies because it helps reduce some of the side effects such as nauseaand vomiting and it’s the only it’s the onlymedicine that not only reduces the nausea vomiting but can stimulate theappetite the one the drug that’s used for that is a synthetic THC and it’s100% THC so you get all of the side effectsfrom the THC without the other chemicals in the plant buff it it’s also used to reduce stress andanxiety but we don’t have a lot of science for that everything that’s in purple we have some science behind it soas a sleep a not a lot of science but that is one of the main uses people support and then glaucoma we do havescience behind that PTSD we’re still working on getting the science and thenseizures and epilepsy we do have a firm amount of signs and there are there is aprescription drug and it is a purified CBD but it also has a touch of THC andsome other gavids in it other uses medically potentialmedical uses it can help reduce side effects of other medications and help reduce the amounts of drugs that arebeing taken also such as opioids benzo diazines and alcohol which are the threedrugs that people are overdosing on every day can also reduce the amount oftobacco nicotine and it has some neuroprotective properties it’s showing some promise inhelping reduce nerve damage caus bychemotherapy other possible medical uses that people are using for to autism andin dementia care almost every dementia care clinic in NorthernCalifornia has incorporated cannabis into their protocols and it’s also being used totreat Parkinson’s disease and I recently discovered that there are some therapists who are using it for traumawork just like psychedelics it’s a guided Journey so therapist guided journey in canis there’s also this isthe field that is exciting me the most the toles because um not only is it goodfor skin care for skin Health but it might be really useful in wound care meuh there’s only a handful of studies but showing that it can be used to treat umwounds that are very hard to treat otherwise and it’s being used to treatacne um Sunburn and for infection control there is only one study that I’m aware of butit showed that some of the cannaboids in cannabis could control MCA which isthe antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria so also another way we seen itbeing used far and wide all across all across theworld it for religious purposes so the rosarians have used it as a Sacramentand there’s others who use it in ceremony there’s a recipe in the Biblefor the anointing oil and it contains a product called can Bostonwhich is the fragrant cane we think that that is cannabis and in India there’s a realheavy association between Lord God Shiva yoga andcan so lots of other ways that people use itto enhance their life it can enhance your senses of taste so enhances the thepleasures of eating or listening to music or massage or sexual pleasure fordoing just Body Work yoga there are yoga studios that allow for cannabisyoga and um for acupuncture with when they have The Moxybustion when they burn that the little bit of herb or whatever on the end somethere’s a historical records of cannabis being the back and everyone knows it’s being usedas for social connection because it’s it’s relaxing it’s fun and we have somuch stress related illnesses in this world so in my mind this is this is amedical use this is a therapeutical use and then also to stimulate Creative Energy such as with Lou Armstrong hesmoked it every day except for the nine days he was in jail for itbut he used it as inspiration for making his music and also just to relax and todeal with racism because remember he traveled with a white F so he was not allowed in the restaurants he was notallowed in the hotels he had to deal with a lot so thisalso empowers patients to participate in their own care patients in Hawaii are allowed togrow up to 10 plants for themselves and make their own medicines and both of those are healinggardening some physical therapy in there you know get down in the dirt but makingyour own medicines can be also very therapeutic and some people just juicethe raw leaves some people just chew on a bud to get or could bouretmeals and H Seed H Seed is a cannabis CA his highnutritional value so anyway those those are most of the uses that I can think ofI don’t know if anyone can think of any others but share them with me if can do in the canabas classroom I don’t haveany quizzes but you might win a prize if you can answer the question correctly so who can tellme the name of the system that produces chemicals is the system in your bodythat produces chemicals that are like THC and CBD go ahead take aguess not bit close Endo canabo Syyes Endo canabo yep that’s always going to be the answer Endo can avonoid so you can comeup and get your prize coupon and collect your prize at my booth I have I have youcan choose your Gi Oh but yeah but I’ve got lots of greatbooks so what is the endo system and who who has an endocam system well prettymuch everybody that has a spine so all not spinelesshumans but your pets also dogs and cats you’ve got amphibians reptiles birdsfish anything with the spine and it’s a very old systemoh oh the dog that’s the drug sniffing dogyes so just like your body produces natural opiates your body also producesnatural canono and because your body produces them they’re called Endo something soendo canono and these are neurotransmitters and so the endoccanabo system consists mostly of just the the chemicals andneurotransmitters two main endoc oids that you should know one is called 2 aor tactical Don glycerol so I like to just say to a for sure the other one iscalled that’s your body CDD and then anide which is srit for Bliss or yogicBliss and that’s your body’s THC so the your body’s T CBD the levelsare higher during the day so we think that that is related to alertness and it is the most abundant one in thebrain it’s a thousand times more um present thananide so anandamide here it’s also called the Bliss molecule and we thinkthat it’s responsible for the runnerHigh James oh it’s back okay okay U thelevels of an non mind are higher at night and just like THC could helpinduce deep sleep which we think is the most healing phase of sleep it’s useful in reducing pain andinflammation so both of these endoc canabo are present in mother’s breastmilk we think it’s likely activating thenewborn um rooting and stucking reflexes and also stimulating theappetite and then you’ve probably seen blist out babies after they’ve beennursing and we think that that might be the Anoni um talking here but there is more2ag than anide in it now both 2ag and anide might bedeficient in certain disease processes or overproduced in certain dis diseaseprocesses so we see deficiencies in patients with autismepilepsy inflammatory B syndrome Parkinson’s PTSD and some cancers andthe same is true for the over production of endoc canabo we see an overproduction in the nutrio cancer in obesity and theschizophrenia so these neurotransmitters have to have some receptorsunfortunately um they’re called cd1 and cd2 so that makes it really easy so thecv1s are found primarily in your nervous system that’s your spine uh the brainand spinal cord um that there are also in your peripheral nervous system thisis what THC binds to to get you high socv1s nervous system but it’s also found your digestive system and connectionswith your V neres so we think that’s like the food mood connection there soover there we’ve got CB2 receptors and those are found primarily in your immune system to help balance your immunesystem now I won’t go into how neurons work butbasically in most other systems one neuron fires and it goes through a gapand connects with the next neuron in line and the message just continues toget sent down the road in this it’s a very unique system it’s called theretrograde neuros signaling system where the first neuron fires when it hits theGap that second neuron kind of turns around and says what kind of endoc canabo do I need to produce to affect achange in this signal so it’s producing endoc canono with where they’re neededwhen they’re needed and it sends it back to the receptors to to do work its magicso it’s responsible for homeostasis in pretty much every system of your bodyand don’t think of it as like an onoff switch this is more like a dimmer switch it’s helping balance it one way or theother so the main purpose of the endocan avonoid system is to monitor eatingforgetting protecting relaxing and sleep we have found that cannabis worksbest with education so again thank you for being here and actually now you knowmore than most Healthcare professionals on theplanet and what you eat does matter you can keep your endocan avonoid systemhealthy with or without cannabis because your endoc canab meoids are made from omega3 and six fattyacids finding a good balance of those can help produce moreindom supposed please stopsay please to the computer no goahead I can keep talking okay so there’s two really good guideson keeping your endocrine avonoid system healthy and I can give you resources atfor finding both of those but um there are a lot a lot of things that you canbe doing not just with your diet but also activities that help stimulate yourendoc canono system things such as acupuncture yoga social connection withother so eating the right Foods is important because if you eat foods that are pro-inflammatoryyour endoc canabo system of is getting depleted because those endoc canids aretrying to fight that information so food be by medicinemedicine be that food still Rings True to this day how old this statement isbut you know they knew something so okay now you know how your body works solet’s talk about some of the chemicals that are in the plant that have medicinal value every everything is Canabissativa even Inda is Canabis sativa so the genus is Canabis sativa there’ssubspecies Canabis sativa Inda and rales the sativa and Inda are valued fortheir medical medicines whereas the ralis is not the vain distinctionbetween these is the morphology so the shape of the plant more so than chemicals that are in them so when we’retalking about P sativa we’re talking about a plant that might grow up to be atree that’s 20 foot high and it has thinner leaves whereas the indicas orshorter shrub plants that have fatter leaves both have medical value theruderalis is valued because it flowers more often so you can get more crops ayear so they interre these so most of what you can buy are hydrids of these II don’t think there’s any true sativas or inds left yeah so anyway butsomething to note so there are two main types of canas sativa so the drug type that’s highresin high THC or higher than CBD and then the low resin type which ishemp and I’ll explain him just a little bit so this is the Chinese symbol forhim it’s two plants in a dry shed hanging in a dry shed male female plantsa very a plant with lots of Duality to it but IndustrialHemp is is legal and it’s controlled by the Department ofAgriculture and it’s defined as a plant that has .3% THC by dry weight and this is anarbitrary number that somebody picked um because you can’t get you highso but all types of Canabis this is something that you should know just as a safety thing all Cannabis sativa helpsclean up the soil when it’s growing so it sucks up the toxins out of the soil including heavy metals that’s why a usedT to help remediate the soils around Chernobyl so you don’t want that in yourmedicine you especially don’t want a concentrated something as medicine if if it’s contaminated so Iwould urge you to learn how to read the lab test results and labels so that youknow what you’re looking for and you can avoid you want so he time for a quizoh that’s right I don’t do quizzes but who can answer this question what’s the main differencebetween Cannabis sativa and cannabis Indajust said the size of the that’s it God if you win the prize okay you come up and get your coupon your prize couponand you can bring that to the booth and I’ll and I’ll give you a prize so this is where the medicines aremade these are called called triom and they’re mostly these Frosty resin plansthat look kind of like mushrooms so the the medicines are produced in here and in some of the umwas mostly in the flowers but in some of the small weeds as well they produces hundreds and hundreds of stickyphytochemicals an unfertilized female plant can produce the best flowers soone male plant can ruin your whole prop by pollinating and a turning it to seedthe term sensia is a reference to that female unfertilized female plant itmeans no seed so there’s three main types ofphytochemicals that are made by the Canon plant the first one are the canonoof which you’re probably already familiar with at least two of them there’s 147 but the the top two are CBBand THC and then there’s 200 essential oils in them um those are called thechin and then there’s about 20 flab noid and they mostly contribute to color but they do have value aswell I’m not going to talk a lot about the turkys but just know they’re a very important part of the plant that this iswhat gives plants their distinct Aromas and flavors and this is found in everyfruit flower herb tree and many of these not only havetherapeutic value but we think that they’re responsible for some of the side effects such as one called merine it’sfound in mangoes and I believe lemong graphs but it can be very sedate and you think that that’s the one that’sresponsible for the side effect called couch lock people get down in the Cget so this is what the drug sniffing dogs are sniffing you can’t smell DHC orCBD so instead of saying sa in the uh when we’re trying to make choices aboutwhat medicines we’re using we’re looking at the IAL that are in the plant and not just the canabo but the jines but thissystem is for helping first make choices based on THC and CBD ratios so the firstone are the THC dominant types type two are more balanced versionof CHC and CBD whereas the third one is more CBDdominant H like oh that’s a book really great book wejust saw I have one cofy left so anyway now you know a bit about what chemicals are in the plant solet me talk more about THC CBD their relationship what called the powerCLE so you don’t need to Miz this chart or answer any question don’t worry but what I want toshow you here is how uh the canids are are formed they’re givenbirth from the mother molecule which is called cbga a and this is what creates thca the acidform and cbda these are the raw forms of them and then when you heat it heat itor age it is what when it turns into the THC andCBD so this is the mother molecule CBGso let me tell you just a little bit about thda because it does have medicinal values we’re seeing it usefulin helping with epilepsy treatment and I believeautism but it is not psychoactive if you were to pick a leaf off of your plantand eat it it shouldn’t get high because the acidic raw form is it CYO activeit’s only when it’s heated or age that it converts into the Cy active parleso if you were to ingest the psychoactive type THC Delta 9 is themost common one when it hits your liver your liver converts it into a much more potent formof THC also so that’s good to know when you’re using Edibles because the dosingon Edibles can can VAR a positive so just knowing that it’sprobably going to get stronger the basic guideline for dosing cannabis is startlow and go slow so start with the lowest dose possible and and work up from thereslowly till you get the effect that you want but my point here is that allcannaboids are related to this mother molecule but they have differenteffects so I want to just kind of look at what’s hot what’s not first about THCand then CBD so what’s H about thca well it’s not psychoactive and it is usefulas a medicine is psychoactive and is alsouseful as a medicine as far as treating pain and inflammation as a muscle relaxing it’sbeing used to treat Alzheimer’s patients it might help reduce the plaques thatare being formed but we’re seeing interestingresults with with diminishing the behaviors the Alzheimer’sbehaviors and it might also have a role in balancing your immune system so what’s not so hot about it isalso that it is psychoactive and we have some dosing challenges related to thatit can be limiting in usefulness as a drug becauseof that most patients don’t really know how to use it and they don’t havehealthare professionals to to help instruct them to use it can you wait till end um not everybody should be using itthere are patients who are actually allergic to it it can it can cause problems in patients that have heartarhythmia um because it can cause tapic cardia so it can also have drug druginteractions with medications and change the levels of the drugs that doesn’tmean that you can’t use it alongside other drugs there are some that you probably shouldn’t mix it with but forthe most part um it’s safe to use alongside your other medications but youdo need to be aware it can have some drug interactions and and be able to youknow talk to your Healthcare professionals about how to balance that out long-term heavy use can have someserious side effects smoking can help contribute to gum disease and alsoseeing it’s it’s fairly rare however we are seeing a fair number of casespopping up with a CYCC vomiting um called hyperemesis and in it’s it’s hardto treat and really the only solution is for the person to stop usingcannabis so let’s look at what’s hot and what’s not about CD so what’s hot is that it’s notintoxicating it is psychoactive it can help raise your Lo it helps keep your body’s anidethat’s your body’s THC your Liss molecule you can keep it in your body longer to help improve the effects ofanide one study showed that a one: one ratio T CBDhelped we think that CBD is buffering the psycho activity of THC so it helpsbring down anxiety paranoia and it also might help blockthe conversion in the liver remember I told you Delta 9 when it hits your liver becomes more poent form CBD probablyalso helps keep it from getting to too I want to tell you what’s not sohot um actually both phcn CBD can have what’s called basic dosing so you getone effect at a low do you get the opposite effect at a high dose such aswith anxiety like THC might be useful in helping ruse some anxiety low level gettoo much of it might have a panic attack so CBD can besedating and it can make some conditions worse it can make intraocular pressurehigher and so could make glaucoma wor can also have okay A Drop blood pressureand make you pass out and then the drug drug interactions also so you have to becareful with drugs that need tyght dosing on them like anti-coagulants you know blood thinners or certain um Statinor um anti-seizure medications so there wasum a patent that was taken out in 2003 by the federal government the Departmentof Health and Human Services on on five cannabinoids as neuroprotectants andantioxidants and this includes TV THC and CBD and what they found was it couldlimit the damaging effects from esic stro or traumatic head injury and thisis in mice this isn’t in humans and it might also be useful intreating Alzheimer’s arkinson and HIVdimensions you don’t have to memorize this chart all just is for is to show you that there is overlap in therapeuticusefulness of different canab we show you thcv so there’s many variations ofTHC many variations of CBD but right over here the thcv and CBD can both helpreduce seizures and might useful as a bonestimulant this is why THC and CBD are bettered together this is why they’recalled the power pule and there’s a theory that whole plant medicine is better thansingle synthetic substances or isolates um cannabisextract have shown fewer side effects than the synthetic phc remember that prescription drug it’s100% THC doesn’t have the cvd in help tampen down the anxiety so patientsprefer to use whole plant medicines to the 100% THCdrug there’s less chance that you’re going to have drug drug interactions because when you use THC and CBDtogether you can use lower doses of n or if you need higher doses of THC somepatients do you might be able to use CBD to to help in increase your t HC dosesup to workum without the side effects so and Dr Edward ma agrees withthat he is the chief of comprehensive epilepsy program in DenverColorado and he says the desire to isolate and treat with the pharmaceutical grcompounds from Cannabis especially CDD might be inferior to using whole planextract and cannabis clinicians have found thatcannabis works best with educated users andproviders that’s okay so this is one of my main resourcesthis is um a book that was created by the co-founder of project CBD and workedwith Readers Digest to create one of the easiest to read books books this is one of the books that I’m I’m hoping thatpeople will buy and and learn more about Canabis how to choose your products whatit might be good for how to avoid side effects and other problems these are mytop three picks for medical books this one is here to it’s real easy to readthese are a lot more technical these are handbooks for nurses and doctors and this one is being used as a textbookin one nursing school and also in a college that offers master’s degree atcan avoic Sciences so Canada this classroom is disMiss anybody have any questionyes side effect for card Pati yes the side effect for card Pati you share anymore um sure it it’s um been implicated in two cases of myocardialinfarction um was soon after it was two younger people actually who smoked andand soon after experienced heart attacks although they probably also used otherdrugs and so we can’t say that cannabis caused it but we have to be supercareful you know you can’t you can’t take risk especially with patients who have heart arhythmia because we do knowthat cannabis can Spike up your heart rate and as part of the panic attack youknow part of THC um so you know we just we need tojust warn patients that that that’s a potential Hazard yeah any otherquestions yes just recently in the news I think just yesterday um was case wherethis girl from killing her boyfriendohos we all know that it’s terrible that was the most horrible thing they could have done for cannab this is a case likeThousand Oaks California a couple years ago um male female Partners U smokedcanus we don’t even know if it smoking or if it was an edible which is very interesting because as We Knowwell there was residue in in a in a bom or something so the story is that theythey shared the bong that she went crazy stabbed into death with a knife andstabbed herself and so she’s getting off on you know like reason of insanity orwhatever it was yeah we know it doesn’t it doesn’t do thatnoty that’s that’s really old that’s old reer Madness stuff just beenperpetuating for years and it just makes it so hard for us to you know we’ve hadfor years and years fighting people going oh yeah medicine you know thateveryone just wants to get high and using that as a root and it’s just not true we finally got the federalgovernment to um make a statement that said there is accepted medical use forcannabists in four different uh conditions and that’s why theDepartment of Health and Human Services has sent a letter to the DEA asking themto take it out of the schedule one drug classification which for drugs you have no medicinal value and put it in aschedule three drug category and they said what we discovered is that it’s alot less harmful than we once thought and that it is not a super risk toPublic Health let’s see what did they say here it is the vast majority of users do so in a way that does not leadto dangerous outcomes for themselves or others that is a low risk of PublicHealth that there’s less potential for misuse than other drugs including alcohol and that there’s acceptedmedical use for all of these this is data that camefrom 30,000 Healthcare professionals and six millionpatients yes they criminalize it get moreresearch I’m hoping for more research yep anyway thank you so much for coming please come to the booth and take outthematerials

Day 2

good morning everybody thank you so much for coming welcome to my cannabis classroom I’m cannabis nurse Wendy I’m amedical cannabis Patient Advocate and I’ve been cannabis activist and acannabis nurse educator for the last 9 years I don’t practice medicine so Idon’t give medical legal or dietary advice but for the past nine years Ihave been studying Canabis law and cannabis medicines but like I said I don’tpractice medicine and what I’ve done today is Ihad a book seller send me all of my favorite books and I’m hoping that people will buy them to continuelearning after this class so I was a member of a task forceback in 2022 it was called the Dual use of cannabis task force and what we weretasked with doing was evaluating what effect adult use legalization might have on our medicalcannabis program and also just Public Health in general andsearching I don’t think my remote didsomething but anyway we have a problem is is it so okay so anyway Houston we have aproblem there’s a huge knowledge Gap we did a survey um this Tas Force did asurvey I helped spearheaded worked with the Department of Health we did a survey on um our medical can patients and alsoproviders and we found out that 57% of the patients rely on dispensary workersto get the medical information so I’ve managed to educate about 400 HealthcareProfessionals in so far and I’m hoping to do more but um you can help me so bythe end of this hour you’re going to know more than most doctors nurses pharmacists any Health CareProfessionals not just in Hawaii but on the planet so that’s why my banner at mybooth says ask your health care professional medical cannabist educationis right for them and I’m hoping this will be kind of a Each one teach one maybe you’ll takewhat you learned today and teach somebody else just help me reach out and I’m hoping that you take information toyour Healthcare Providers on how they can get educated as well I’ve got plenty of resources at the booth so I’d like tosay this classroom is in session um please do silence your phonesif you haven’t already there will be some time for Q&A and if there’s not you can come to the booth and um please holdyour questions until the end so what I’m going to cover today is how your bodyworks going to look at some of the chemicals that are in the plant and howthey might be useful as medicine and then we’re going to also look at bothCBD and THC and why they’re called the power coupl so there many many medical usesfor cannabis we have 32,000 patients in the medical cannabis program in Hawaii and there are tens ofthousand hundreds of thousands of patients across the United States and across the world so but their estimatesare that about 50 million people use canvis not just not just as a medicinebut for many different purposes so we do have some validated um with science medical usesthe first one is pain and that’s what most patients use it for 85% of our32,000 patient s use it for managing pain of some sort and it it seems to beespecially useful in treating neuropathic pain it’s also been used totreat multiple sclerosis and there’s a prescription drug in a in othercountries not the United States and it’s a one toone THC CBD mouth spray and itseems to have pretty good results it’s also used to help enhance can cancer andHIV therapies because it helps reduce some of the side effects such as nauseaand vomiting and it’s the only it’s the onlymedicine that not only reduces the nausea vomiting but can stimulate theappetite the one the drug that’s used for that is a synthetic THC and it’s100% THC so you get all of the side effectsfrom the THC without the other chemicals in the plant buff it it’s also used to reduce stress andanxiety but we don’t have a lot of science for that everything that’s in purple we have some science behind it soas a sleep a not a lot of science but that is one of the main uses people support and then glaucoma we do havescience behind that PTSD we’re still working on getting the science and thenseizures and epilepsy we do have a firm amount of signs and there are there is aprescription drug and it is a purified CBD but it also has a touch of THC andsome other gavids in it other uses medically potentialmedical uses it can help reduce side effects of other medications and help reduce the amounts of drugs that arebeing taken also such as opioids benzo diazines and alcohol which are the threedrugs that people are overdosing on every day can also reduce the amount oftobacco nicotine and it has some neuroprotective properties it’s showing some promise inhelping reduce nerve damage caus bychemotherapy other possible medical uses that people are using for to autism andin dementia care almost every dementia care clinic in NorthernCalifornia has incorporated cannabis into their protocols and it’s also being used totreat Parkinson’s disease and I recently discovered that there are some therapists who are using it for traumawork just like psychedelics it’s a guided Journey so therapist guided journey in canis there’s also this isthe field that is exciting me the most the toles because um not only is it goodfor skin care for skin Health but it might be really useful in wound care meuh there’s only a handful of studies but showing that it can be used to treat umwounds that are very hard to treat otherwise and it’s being used to treatacne um Sunburn and for infection control there is only one study that I’m aware of butit showed that some of the cannaboids in cannabis could control MCA which isthe antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria so also another way we seen itbeing used far and wide all across all across theworld it for religious purposes so the rosarians have used it as a Sacramentand there’s others who use it in ceremony there’s a recipe in the Biblefor the anointing oil and it contains a product called can Bostonwhich is the fragrant cane we think that that is cannabis and in India there’s a realheavy association between Lord God Shiva yoga andcan so lots of other ways that people use itto enhance their life it can enhance your senses of taste so enhances the thepleasures of eating or listening to music or massage or sexual pleasure fordoing just Body Work yoga there are yoga studios that allow for cannabisyoga and um for acupuncture with when they have The Moxybustion when they burn that the little bit of herb or whatever on the end somethere’s a historical records of cannabis being the back and everyone knows it’s being usedas for social connection because it’s it’s relaxing it’s fun and we have somuch stress related illnesses in this world so in my mind this is this is amedical use this is a therapeutical use and then also to stimulate Creative Energy such as with Lou Armstrong hesmoked it every day except for the nine days he was in jail for itbut he used it as inspiration for making his music and also just to relax and todeal with racism because remember he traveled with a white F so he was not allowed in the restaurants he was notallowed in the hotels he had to deal with a lot so thisalso empowers patients to participate in their own care patients in Hawaii are allowed togrow up to 10 plants for themselves and make their own medicines and both of those are healinggardening some physical therapy in there you know get down in the dirt but makingyour own medicines can be also very therapeutic and some people just juicethe raw leaves some people just chew on a bud to get or could bouretmeals and H Seed H Seed is a cannabis CA his highnutritional value so anyway those those are most of the uses that I can think ofI don’t know if anyone can think of any others but share them with me if can do in the canabas classroom I don’t haveany quizzes but you might win a prize if you can answer the question correctly so who can tellme the name of the system that produces chemicals is the system in your bodythat produces chemicals that are like THC and CBD go ahead take aguess not bit close Endo canabo Syyes Endo canabo yep that’s always going to be the answer Endo can avonoid so you can comeup and get your prize coupon and collect your prize at my booth I have I have youcan choose your Gi Oh but yeah but I’ve got lots of greatbooks so what is the endo system and who who has an endocam system well prettymuch everybody that has a spine so all not spinelesshumans but your pets also dogs and cats you’ve got amphibians reptiles birdsfish anything with the spine and it’s a very old systemoh oh the dog that’s the drug sniffing dogyes so just like your body produces natural opiates your body also producesnatural canono and because your body produces them they’re called Endo something soendo canono and these are neurotransmitters and so the endoccanabo system consists mostly of just the the chemicals andneurotransmitters two main endoc oids that you should know one is called 2 aor tactical Don glycerol so I like to just say to a for sure the other one iscalled that’s your body CDD and then anide which is srit for Bliss or yogicBliss and that’s your body’s THC so the your body’s T CBD the levelsare higher during the day so we think that that is related to alertness and it is the most abundant one in thebrain it’s a thousand times more um present thananide so anandamide here it’s also called the Bliss molecule and we thinkthat it’s responsible for the runnerHigh James oh it’s back okay okay U thelevels of an non mind are higher at night and just like THC could helpinduce deep sleep which we think is the most healing phase of sleep it’s useful in reducing pain andinflammation so both of these endoc canabo are present in mother’s breastmilk we think it’s likely activating thenewborn um rooting and stucking reflexes and also stimulating theappetite and then you’ve probably seen blist out babies after they’ve beennursing and we think that that might be the Anoni um talking here but there is more2ag than anide in it now both 2ag and anide might bedeficient in certain disease processes or overproduced in certain dis diseaseprocesses so we see deficiencies in patients with autismepilepsy inflammatory B syndrome Parkinson’s PTSD and some cancers andthe same is true for the over production of endoc canabo we see an overproduction in the nutrio cancer in obesity and theschizophrenia so these neurotransmitters have to have some receptorsunfortunately um they’re called cd1 and cd2 so that makes it really easy so thecv1s are found primarily in your nervous system that’s your spine uh the brainand spinal cord um that there are also in your peripheral nervous system thisis what THC binds to to get you high socv1s nervous system but it’s also found your digestive system and connectionswith your V neres so we think that’s like the food mood connection there soover there we’ve got CB2 receptors and those are found primarily in your immune system to help balance your immunesystem now I won’t go into how neurons work butbasically in most other systems one neuron fires and it goes through a gapand connects with the next neuron in line and the message just continues toget sent down the road in this it’s a very unique system it’s called theretrograde neuros signaling system where the first neuron fires when it hits theGap that second neuron kind of turns around and says what kind of endoc canabo do I need to produce to affect achange in this signal so it’s producing endoc canono with where they’re neededwhen they’re needed and it sends it back to the receptors to to do work its magicso it’s responsible for homeostasis in pretty much every system of your bodyand don’t think of it as like an onoff switch this is more like a dimmer switch it’s helping balance it one way or theother so the main purpose of the endocan avonoid system is to monitor eatingforgetting protecting relaxing and sleep we have found that cannabis worksbest with education so again thank you for being here and actually now you knowmore than most Healthcare professionals on theplanet and what you eat does matter you can keep your endocan avonoid systemhealthy with or without cannabis because your endoc canab meoids are made from omega3 and six fattyacids finding a good balance of those can help produce moreindom supposed please stopsay please to the computer no goahead I can keep talking okay so there’s two really good guideson keeping your endocrine avonoid system healthy and I can give you resources atfor finding both of those but um there are a lot a lot of things that you canbe doing not just with your diet but also activities that help stimulate yourendoc canono system things such as acupuncture yoga social connection withother so eating the right Foods is important because if you eat foods that are pro-inflammatoryyour endoc canabo system of is getting depleted because those endoc canids aretrying to fight that information so food be by medicinemedicine be that food still Rings True to this day how old this statement isbut you know they knew something so okay now you know how your body works solet’s talk about some of the chemicals that are in the plant that have medicinal value every everything is Canabissativa even Inda is Canabis sativa so the genus is Canabis sativa there’ssubspecies Canabis sativa Inda and rales the sativa and Inda are valued fortheir medical medicines whereas the ralis is not the vain distinctionbetween these is the morphology so the shape of the plant more so than chemicals that are in them so when we’retalking about P sativa we’re talking about a plant that might grow up to be atree that’s 20 foot high and it has thinner leaves whereas the indicas orshorter shrub plants that have fatter leaves both have medical value theruderalis is valued because it flowers more often so you can get more crops ayear so they interre these so most of what you can buy are hydrids of these II don’t think there’s any true sativas or inds left yeah so anyway butsomething to note so there are two main types of canas sativa so the drug type that’s highresin high THC or higher than CBD and then the low resin type which ishemp and I’ll explain him just a little bit so this is the Chinese symbol forhim it’s two plants in a dry shed hanging in a dry shed male female plantsa very a plant with lots of Duality to it but IndustrialHemp is is legal and it’s controlled by the Department ofAgriculture and it’s defined as a plant that has .3% THC by dry weight and this is anarbitrary number that somebody picked um because you can’t get you highso but all types of Canabis this is something that you should know just as a safety thing all Cannabis sativa helpsclean up the soil when it’s growing so it sucks up the toxins out of the soil including heavy metals that’s why a usedT to help remediate the soils around Chernobyl so you don’t want that in yourmedicine you especially don’t want a concentrated something as medicine if if it’s contaminated so Iwould urge you to learn how to read the lab test results and labels so that youknow what you’re looking for and you can avoid you want so he time for a quizoh that’s right I don’t do quizzes but who can answer this question what’s the main differencebetween Cannabis sativa and cannabis Indajust said the size of the that’s it God if you win the prize okay you come up and get your coupon your prize couponand you can bring that to the booth and I’ll and I’ll give you a prize so this is where the medicines aremade these are called called triom and they’re mostly these Frosty resin plansthat look kind of like mushrooms so the the medicines are produced in here and in some of the umwas mostly in the flowers but in some of the small weeds as well they produces hundreds and hundreds of stickyphytochemicals an unfertilized female plant can produce the best flowers soone male plant can ruin your whole prop by pollinating and a turning it to seedthe term sensia is a reference to that female unfertilized female plant itmeans no seed so there’s three main types ofphytochemicals that are made by the Canon plant the first one are the canonoof which you’re probably already familiar with at least two of them there’s 147 but the the top two are CBBand THC and then there’s 200 essential oils in them um those are called thechin and then there’s about 20 flab noid and they mostly contribute to color but they do have value aswell I’m not going to talk a lot about the turkys but just know they’re a very important part of the plant that this iswhat gives plants their distinct Aromas and flavors and this is found in everyfruit flower herb tree and many of these not only havetherapeutic value but we think that they’re responsible for some of the side effects such as one called merine it’sfound in mangoes and I believe lemong graphs but it can be very sedate and you think that that’s the one that’sresponsible for the side effect called couch lock people get down in the Cget so this is what the drug sniffing dogs are sniffing you can’t smell DHC orCBD so instead of saying sa in the uh when we’re trying to make choices aboutwhat medicines we’re using we’re looking at the IAL that are in the plant and not just the canabo but the jines but thissystem is for helping first make choices based on THC and CBD ratios so the firstone are the THC dominant types type two are more balanced versionof CHC and CBD whereas the third one is more CBDdominant H like oh that’s a book really great book wejust saw I have one cofy left so anyway now you know a bit about what chemicals are in the plant solet me talk more about THC CBD their relationship what called the powerCLE so you don’t need to Miz this chart or answer any question don’t worry but what I want toshow you here is how uh the canids are are formed they’re givenbirth from the mother molecule which is called cbga a and this is what creates thca the acidform and cbda these are the raw forms of them and then when you heat it heat itor age it is what when it turns into the THC andCBD so this is the mother molecule CBGso let me tell you just a little bit about thda because it does have medicinal values we’re seeing it usefulin helping with epilepsy treatment and I believeautism but it is not psychoactive if you were to pick a leaf off of your plantand eat it it shouldn’t get high because the acidic raw form is it CYO activeit’s only when it’s heated or age that it converts into the Cy active parleso if you were to ingest the psychoactive type THC Delta 9 is themost common one when it hits your liver your liver converts it into a much more potent formof THC also so that’s good to know when you’re using Edibles because the dosingon Edibles can can VAR a positive so just knowing that it’sprobably going to get stronger the basic guideline for dosing cannabis is startlow and go slow so start with the lowest dose possible and and work up from thereslowly till you get the effect that you want but my point here is that allcannaboids are related to this mother molecule but they have differenteffects so I want to just kind of look at what’s hot what’s not first about THCand then CBD so what’s H about thca well it’s not psychoactive and it is usefulas a medicine is psychoactive and is alsouseful as a medicine as far as treating pain and inflammation as a muscle relaxing it’sbeing used to treat Alzheimer’s patients it might help reduce the plaques thatare being formed but we’re seeing interestingresults with with diminishing the behaviors the Alzheimer’sbehaviors and it might also have a role in balancing your immune system so what’s not so hot about it isalso that it is psychoactive and we have some dosing challenges related to thatit can be limiting in usefulness as a drug becauseof that most patients don’t really know how to use it and they don’t havehealthare professionals to to help instruct them to use it can you wait till end um not everybody should be using itthere are patients who are actually allergic to it it can it can cause problems in patients that have heartarhythmia um because it can cause tapic cardia so it can also have drug druginteractions with medications and change the levels of the drugs that doesn’tmean that you can’t use it alongside other drugs there are some that you probably shouldn’t mix it with but forthe most part um it’s safe to use alongside your other medications but youdo need to be aware it can have some drug interactions and and be able to youknow talk to your Healthcare professionals about how to balance that out long-term heavy use can have someserious side effects smoking can help contribute to gum disease and alsoseeing it’s it’s fairly rare however we are seeing a fair number of casespopping up with a CYCC vomiting um called hyperemesis and in it’s it’s hardto treat and really the only solution is for the person to stop usingcannabis so let’s look at what’s hot and what’s not about CD so what’s hot is that it’s notintoxicating it is psychoactive it can help raise your Lo it helps keep your body’s anidethat’s your body’s THC your Liss molecule you can keep it in your body longer to help improve the effects ofanide one study showed that a one: one ratio T CBDhelped we think that CBD is buffering the psycho activity of THC so it helpsbring down anxiety paranoia and it also might help blockthe conversion in the liver remember I told you Delta 9 when it hits your liver becomes more poent form CBD probablyalso helps keep it from getting to too I want to tell you what’s not sohot um actually both phcn CBD can have what’s called basic dosing so you getone effect at a low do you get the opposite effect at a high dose such aswith anxiety like THC might be useful in helping ruse some anxiety low level gettoo much of it might have a panic attack so CBD can besedating and it can make some conditions worse it can make intraocular pressurehigher and so could make glaucoma wor can also have okay A Drop blood pressureand make you pass out and then the drug drug interactions also so you have to becareful with drugs that need tyght dosing on them like anti-coagulants you know blood thinners or certain um Statinor um anti-seizure medications so there wasum a patent that was taken out in 2003 by the federal government the Departmentof Health and Human Services on on five cannabinoids as neuroprotectants andantioxidants and this includes TV THC and CBD and what they found was it couldlimit the damaging effects from esic stro or traumatic head injury and thisis in mice this isn’t in humans and it might also be useful intreating Alzheimer’s arkinson and HIVdimensions you don’t have to memorize this chart all just is for is to show you that there is overlap in therapeuticusefulness of different canab we show you thcv so there’s many variations ofTHC many variations of CBD but right over here the thcv and CBD can both helpreduce seizures and might useful as a bonestimulant this is why THC and CBD are bettered together this is why they’recalled the power pule and there’s a theory that whole plant medicine is better thansingle synthetic substances or isolates um cannabisextract have shown fewer side effects than the synthetic phc remember that prescription drug it’s100% THC doesn’t have the cvd in help tampen down the anxiety so patientsprefer to use whole plant medicines to the 100% THCdrug there’s less chance that you’re going to have drug drug interactions because when you use THC and CBDtogether you can use lower doses of n or if you need higher doses of THC somepatients do you might be able to use CBD to to help in increase your t HC dosesup to workum without the side effects so and Dr Edward ma agrees withthat he is the chief of comprehensive epilepsy program in DenverColorado and he says the desire to isolate and treat with the pharmaceutical grcompounds from Cannabis especially CDD might be inferior to using whole planextract and cannabis clinicians have found thatcannabis works best with educated users andproviders that’s okay so this is one of my main resourcesthis is um a book that was created by the co-founder of project CBD and workedwith Readers Digest to create one of the easiest to read books books this is one of the books that I’m I’m hoping thatpeople will buy and and learn more about Canabis how to choose your products whatit might be good for how to avoid side effects and other problems these are mytop three picks for medical books this one is here to it’s real easy to readthese are a lot more technical these are handbooks for nurses and doctors and this one is being used as a textbookin one nursing school and also in a college that offers master’s degree atcan avoic Sciences so Canada this classroom is disMiss anybody have any questionyes side effect for card Pati yes the side effect for card Pati you share anymore um sure it it’s um been implicated in two cases of myocardialinfarction um was soon after it was two younger people actually who smoked andand soon after experienced heart attacks although they probably also used otherdrugs and so we can’t say that cannabis caused it but we have to be supercareful you know you can’t you can’t take risk especially with patients who have heart arhythmia because we do knowthat cannabis can Spike up your heart rate and as part of the panic attack youknow part of THC um so you know we just we need tojust warn patients that that that’s a potential Hazard yeah any otherquestions yes just recently in the news I think just yesterday um was case wherethis girl from killing her boyfriendohos we all know that it’s terrible that was the most horrible thing they could have done for cannab this is a case likeThousand Oaks California a couple years ago um male female Partners U smokedcanus we don’t even know if it smoking or if it was an edible which is very interesting because as We Knowwell there was residue in in a in a bom or something so the story is that theythey shared the bong that she went crazy stabbed into death with a knife andstabbed herself and so she’s getting off on you know like reason of insanity orwhatever it was yeah we know it doesn’t it doesn’t do thatnoty that’s that’s really old that’s old reer Madness stuff just beenperpetuating for years and it just makes it so hard for us to you know we’ve hadfor years and years fighting people going oh yeah medicine you know thateveryone just wants to get high and using that as a root and it’s just not true we finally got the federalgovernment to um make a statement that said there is accepted medical use forcannabists in four different uh conditions and that’s why theDepartment of Health and Human Services has sent a letter to the DEA asking themto take it out of the schedule one drug classification which for drugs you have no medicinal value and put it in aschedule three drug category and they said what we discovered is that it’s alot less harmful than we once thought and that it is not a super risk toPublic Health let’s see what did they say here it is the vast majority of users do so in a way that does not leadto dangerous outcomes for themselves or others that is a low risk of PublicHealth that there’s less potential for misuse than other drugs including alcohol and that there’s acceptedmedical use for all of these this is data that camefrom 30,000 Healthcare professionals and six millionpatients yes they criminalize it get moreresearch I’m hoping for more research yep anyway thank you so much for coming please come to the booth and take outthematerials