Wendy Gibson-Viviani

Wendy Gibson-Viviani
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Wendy Gibson-Viviani
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Topic: Wendy Gibson-Viviani is an RN/BSN with over 40 years of experience working in healthcare. She is well versed in both the medical and legal aspects of cannabis. For 7 years, she served as the Field Organizer for the Drug Policy Forum and Medical Cannabis Coalition of Hawaii-- helping reshape drug laws and educate healthcare professionals. Wendy is an active member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association, the Cannabis Nurses Network and Society of Cannabis Clinicians. She stands as a conscientious objector of the failed, vicious, racist Drug War—a war that has targeted people who use cannabis, and disproportionately targeted people of color. She understands that many cannabis laws have been causing more damage to health than actual cannabis use -- for generations -- and that Hawaii’s laws need to change.

Wendy Gibson-Viviani PTA/RN/BSN

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