B. Le Grand

CEO / Publisher / Edibles Magazine ™M & EdiblesList.com

Managing Female Pain with Natural Medicine: Cannabis & Other Herbs

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, B. Le Grand is a self-made businesswoman who began running her own graphic and web design firm when she was 16 years old. She graduated high school early and went to the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where she studied Advertising and Photography then left school to start her own graphic and web design firm. She was Runway

‘Magazine’s Creative Director and Editor-in-Chief for two years before her love of music moved her to Los Angeles in 2011, where she began budtending and learned everything she could about the cannabis industry. Before creating the Edibles platform she manufactured her own line of medical marijuana infused topicals and edibles. She is a patient and has always been an advocate of the cannabis plant and its endless benefits. Her mission is to help educate patients in need about the benefits of using medicinal cannabis.