Hawaii Cannabis Expo 2023

Hawaii Cannabis Expo 2023 – The 6th Annual Hawaii Cannabis Expo

Welcome to the 2023 Hawaii Cannabis Expo.

In-line booths are $500 and corner booths are $1000.

All booths are 10×10, exhibitors can purchase multiple booths for larger spaces.

All booths come with:

(1) 8-foot table

(2) chairs

(1) wastebasket

(1) sign

(6) employee passes per day

Electricity and additional tickets must be added separately.

Parking not included

Join the Hawaii Cannabis Expo 2023:

Hawaii Cannabis Expo 2023
Hawaii Cannabis Expo 2023

Contact HawaiiCannabisExpo@gmail.com for sponsorships or more information.

We have partnered with Expo Genie to make purchasing your space easy and available to you 24/7.

On your computer, please click here to get started.